Each couple of weeks we are featuring an amazing member of our Clique Community and ask them some quick fire questions! This week’s 5 at 5 is the incredible Rochelle Lucas. We chatted about her favourite ways to move, what keeps her motivated, and of course her favourite CLIQUE Collection.

1. What keeps you motivated on a daily basis?
My beautiful Whanau motivate me on a daily basis.

2. What are your favourite ways to move?
My favourite ways to move is to just move, whether that’s walking, running or the gym. Moving your body gets the endorphins flowing making ya feel good!

3. What are your favourite ways to relax?
My favourite way to relax is to go to the gym.

4. What is your favourite CLIQUE Collection?
My favourite CLIQUE Collection is Definitely Rio. Thank you so much girls for this one, I’d been waiting years for a stunning Red.

5. Who and what inspires you?
Who Inspires Me?!……Me, I do Why? Cos I’m bad ass that’s why and why not?! I’m a 44 year old mum to 6 beautiful kids and wife to an ahhhmazing man who has my back and is a one in a million Dad I want to show my daughters that they too can be strong, healthy, and a bad ass wahine Maori.